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Authentication on pages

To require authentication for any page, you simply need to declare the auth page meta for that page using the definePageMeta function:

<script setup>
  // pages/admin.vue

  definePageMeta({ auth: true });

So, when accessing the /admin page, if not logged in, you will be redirected to the /login page. After successfully logging in, you will be redirected back to the /admin page.


See more about the auth meta at Middleware.

Find more guidance on login in the Guide > Login section and logout in the Guide > Logout section.

Authentication on API calls

Once logged in successfully, the module will automatically attach the access token to the header of every API request (if the token exists), so you don't need to perform any additional actions.

In some cases, you may want to call an API without attaching the access token to the header. In this case, you can pass the auth: false option when making the API call as follows:

$fetch('/users', {
  method: 'GET',
  auth: false

The auth option accepts the following values:

ValueDescriptionAutomatically attach Access token in headersAutomatically refresh token
trueUsed for API requests requiring mandatory authentication.
The access token (if any) will be attached to the request header. If the request returns a 401 Unauthorized error, the module will automatically refresh the token and retry the request once. If still unauthorized after the second attempt, the module will automatically redirect to the /login page.
falseUsed for API requests not requiring authentication.
Even if an access token exists, it will not be attached to the request header. Therefore, if the request returns a 401 Unauthorized error, the module will not refresh the token but immediately redirect to the /login page.
'optional'Used for API requests with or without authentication requirements.
The access token (if any) will be attached to the request header. However, if the request returns a 401 Unauthorized error, the module will not refresh the token but immediately redirect to the /login page.

Interception and refresh token

By default, the module will automatically refresh the token when making API calls and receiving a 401 Unauthorized response.

In case you want to actively refresh the access token, you can call the refreshTokens function of $auth as follows:

const { $auth } = useNuxtApp();
try {
  await $auth.refreshTokens();
} catch (error) {
  // handle error

Note that in case the refresh token fails, the refreshTokens function will call logout(false) and return an error object, which you need to catch.