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titlestring | undefined''The form title
labelEmailstring | undefined'Email'
labelPasswordstring | undefined'Password'
placeholderEmailstring | undefined'Enter your email'
placeholderPasswordstring | undefined'Enter your password'
invalidErrorMessagestring | undefined'Invalid login credentials'The error message when login failure
otherErrorMessagestring | undefined'An error has occurred'Error message when an indeterminate error occurred
feedbackSessionExpiredMessagestring | undefined'Login session has expired.\nPlease login again to continue.'Error message when the login session has expired
feedbackUnauthorizedMessagestring | undefined'Please login to continue.'The feedback message when the user is redirected to the login page.
btnSubmitstring | undefined'Login'
credentialsany | undefined() => ({})The initial values of credentials which contains the login credentials
cssboolean | undefinedtrueSet false to turn off default css on the login form


titleundefinedThe title of the form
feedbackundefinedError messsage/Feedback message
append{ credentials: any }The bottom of the form, you might need this slot for the "remember me" feature
submit{ pending: boolean }Submit button