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API server

Currently, this module supports login via API, so you need to have an API server to handle the login process meeting the following requirements:

  • Have a login API, which responds with an access token and a refresh token.
  • Have a refresh token API, which responds with a new access token and a new refresh token.
  • Have a logout API, which deletes the access token and refresh token.
  • Have a user information retrieval API, which responds with user information.
  • Access token and Refresh token are JWT tokens.

Nuxt App

There are several other factors you need to consider when using this module in your project:

  • Tokens are stored in cookies.
  • Login sessions and user information are stored in Pinia store.
  • This module uses ofetch for API communication (by default on Nuxt 3), so interceptors are attached to $fetch by default. If you use axios or another library for API calls, you need to manually add corresponding interceptors for that library.