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By default, this module provides a built-in middleware named auth to handle authentication between pages.


  • Protected page
<!-- /pages/admin.vue -->

<script lang="ts" setup>
definePageMeta({ auth: true });
  • Guest page
<!-- /pages/register.vue -->

<script lang="ts" setup>
definePageMeta({ auth: 'guest' });

Auth module provides option auth in PageMeta, the value of this option can be:

  • true The page requires login before accessing. If not logged in, it will be redirected to the path of the login page.
  • false The page does not require login, users can access whether they are logged in or not.
  • guest The page requires not to login, for example the login page, the register page. If logged in, accessing these pages will be redirected to the path of the logout page.
  • undefined similar to auth = false.